Sunday, October 23, 2016

Living In My Dream Country [Part 1]

Halo teman-teman! Akhirnya aku berhasil menyempatkan waktu lagi untuk menulis lagi di sini. Masih seperti beberapa post sebelumnya, aku akan menceritakan lagi tentang pengalamanku tinggal di negara orang. Kali ini aku akan menulis tentang Republik Rakyat Tiongkok. Aku diberikan kesempatan untuk tinggal di Tiongkok, eventually.
Btw, I rarely go abroad back then, I just did it in the uni! (because I got the chances).

Aku pergi ke Beijing, Tiongkok sekitar bulan Juni 2016 dan tinggal disana kurang lebih selama satu bulan. Well, aku sudah bermimpi untuk mengunjungi negeri tirai bambu ini sejak sekitar 2,5 tahun lalu atau sekitar tahun pertama aku menginjak dunia perkuliahan. Memang aku bermimpi untuk mengunjungi Tiongkok, yes it is. Tapi diluar perkiraan, aku langsung ditempatkan Yang Di Atas di capital city of Mainland China. Such a dream comes true.
Some people thought that I went to China for doing another aiesec thing. Mmmm, hell no. Aku pergi ke Tiongkok dengan tujuan untuk melakukan kerja praktek di Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Beijing. Magang di Kedutaan? Kok bisa? Aku sudah mulai mengirimkan beberapa lamaran kerja praktek ke beberapa Kedutaan di negara-negara impianku sekitar sejak bulan November atau Desember 2015. Namun baru mendapatkan konfirmasi dari KBRI Beijing sekitar bulan Januari 2016 (I knew I will go to China when I haven't departed to Pakistan anyway). Beberapa negara impian lainnya seperti mengabaikan lamaranku. But thanks to Indonesian Embassy in Beijing!

Aku berangkat ke Tiongkok bersama 2 teman dari UII yang akan ke Beijing juga, tetapi untuk melakukan Summer Camp, Sultan dan Rafa. Kalau nggak sksd saat welcoming party AIESEC, I definitely wouldn't know Sultan :p
Pada awalnya, kami bertiga tinggal di apartemen yang berada 5 menit dari Caofang Station. But still, it took 40 minutes to arrive at the Embassy :') Kami tinggal di situ karena Summer Camp mereka ataupun internshipku belum mulai. & we had a great time to explore Beijing on our first days living in China! Di hari pertama, kita mengunjungi Forbidden City / Tiananmen Square. GOD. I've been dreaming to take pictures here since years!
Forbidden City, source: personal gallery
You guys can see my excitement
Aku hanya memiliki kurang lebih 2 hari untuk adaptasi di Tiongkok sebelum memulai internshipku. Dan di hari kedua tinggal di Beijing, aku dan teman-teman juga mengunjungi tempat terkenal lainnya di Beijing. Akhirnya! Temple of Heaven! This is my favourite place afterall. Ofcourse -_- Aku lebih lebih lebih sangat penasaran untuk mengunjungi Temple of Heaven instead of Great Wall, tbh. Sempat shock karena tinggal di Tiongkok tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Sebut saja, aku yang biasanya jarang olahraga *ehm* karena tinggal di Tiongkok jadi harus beradaptasi untuk jalan jauh kemana-mana. Kalau sudah di tempat wisata, yang notabene semuanya sangat luas dan for the sake of keeping my money to live one month in China jadi aku harus jalan kaki mengitari tempat wisata tersebut at least until I found the exit gate. :') sorry but, it was literally tiring. Aku baru bisa beradaptasi untuk jalan jauh kurang lebih pada akhir minggu pertama tinggal di sana. Aku sempat sakit pada minggu pertamaku, karena saat itu adalah bulan Ramadan dan it was a hot hot summer 39 degrees in China and I had to do fasting like 18 hours. I am overwhelmed with gratitude to bu Vita and fams yang mau ngurusin Ratih anak magang--yang baru nyampe Cina--langsung ngerepotin dengan sakit. Eh, perhatikan langitnya! Langit di Beijing sempat biru pada hari-hari pertama aku datang. Karena aku datang :p

Sultan dan Rafa sempat menemaniku ke Kedutaan sebelum mereka akhirnya pindah tempat tinggal di dekat Wangfujing Street, summer camp mereka baru akan dimulai beberapa hari lagi sedangkan I shall do my first day of internship like tomorrow. Mempertimbangkan jauhnya tempat tinggalku sebelumnya, yang memakan waktu kurang lebih 40 menit dengan subway akhirnya karena permintaan dan diizinkan oleh mba Ratna, staff KBRI yang lain akhirnya aku tinggal bersama mba Ratna, tante Yola dan om Devi yang semuanya adalah staff KBRI Beijing di rumah mereka. Bukan apartemen, ini memang rumah. And the price was half of my apartment's price! Rumah mba Ratna berada 10 menit jalan kaki ke --Jintailu station line 6 or line 14 exit F-- yang exitnya susah untuk ditemukan :') dan juga dekat bus station yang hanya membutuhkan waktu 10 menit by bus to the Embassy. Nice! Aku nggak akan telat datang ke kantor :p

Sekali lagi, tujuanku datang ke Tiongkok adalah untuk melakukan kerja praktek atau magang. Kalau aku sempat datang ke tempat wisata, itu hasil disempatkan di sela-sela weekend padahal banyak kerjaan dari kantor lho. Ini kerja praktek sekaligus jalan-jalan lebih tepatnya. Aku akan cerita lebih jauh tentang pengalamanku di Tiongkok, tunggu ya!

Yogyakarta, October 23, 2016

Monday, October 10, 2016

Pakistan, In Descriptive Sentences.

If the first post I was talking about my memories in Pakistan. In this post I would make you to see the country itself. I am gonna tell you mostly about Pakistan-- Lahore, the city I lived most of the time. I do hope it would change a bit your perspectives towards this country in which I love so much!

Lahore is the capital city of Punjab province. Second largest populous city, after Karachi (according to Wikipedia). In fact, when I first in Arsalan's car, when we were going to Badshahi Mosque for the first time, I really shocked because the road is very crowded. He yelled few times when driving, but not cursing. I hate crowd. First thing first, I would like to tell you about the foods in Pakistan. I will only explain one menu which is my favourite ones ._.
Halwa and Poori, source : personal gallery
This photo was taken when in Anarkali Food Street. If you google it, Anarkali is popularly known as the food street in Lahore. Thus, if you come to Lahore and don't know where to eat, you can try to go to Anarkali. The round circle food (sorry I'm not good at describing smth) is called Halwa, and the white foods in the little plate called as Poori. I first tastes this food on my first day near the Badshahi Mosque, with Arsalan and Hannan. I guess they bought me that because in the car I told them I could not eat spicy foods. Well, the Halwa is like Leker? Or martabak? Ah, not really to be honest. But it tastes nothing, its plain. And for the Poori, it tastes really sweet. I like it omg omg omg. So basically when eating this, you crop the Halwa and put it in the Poori so it'll taste sweet. Yum! I recommend you these foods if you like sweet foods. I tried other kind of typical Pakistani foods, but then it tastes weird in my tongue. There is one Pakistani "snack" in the supermarket near Asfand's which also recommended, unfortunately I forgot the name.

Second thing, I don't know why I want to explain about Pakistani fashion. The traditional clothes in Pakistan is known as Shalwar Kalmeez. It's almost like gown, ah no, I mean tunic with special embroidery. If its hand-made embroidery it'll make the price higher. For a suggestion, the famous store for buying shalwar kameez in Pakistan is called as Khaadi. For more models, you can check here.
Shalwar Kameez in Pakistani Wedding, its Amna's btw. source : personal gallery
I love hand-made things, thus I bought several shalwar kameez which were affordable :)) but the best one was not in Khaadi store, I found it when we visited Islamabad Museum. I cannot call it as "Kameez" but it's more like an outer. But its embroidery, very lovely in navy. (why am I making a rhyme?). I think you guys could buy it in Indonesia, name it in Tanah Abang.. but it probably wouldn't as beautiful as in Pakistan, and indeed more expensive.

Move to transportation. Frankly speaking, AIESECers told me to not go outside alone to explore Lahore. But they asked us to explore Lahore, still. I could not explain much about public transportation since I rarely used that except taxi. For explaining transportation, I would let you guys know about Pakistani truck which is so pretty.
Pakistani truck. source :
Don't ask, I never tried that hahaha but I saw it in the roads. It has art on it. Does it beautiful? Secondly, there is also a Rickshaw. I'm thinking so hard to write it correctly. Rickshaw is probably the most affordable public transportation in Pakistan and we could find it anywhere. But sometimes the driver put higher price to the foreigners, thus bring at least a local to bargain. Rickshaw is literally a Bajaj in Indonesia. It doesn't have any specific differences with Bajaj basically, only the name different. I once went to Old Lahore with Rickshaw lho! If you want to rent taxi, I'm not sure since I never booked that by myself but it may costs you per hours. If you rent for a day, it'll be more cheaper. I couldn't explain much about Bus, since I was only used bus when I went to Multan. But frankly, I asked the AIESECers first to drive me to the place I want rather than I use public transportation. Public transportation in Pakistan was always my last option. Hehehe..

Speaking of the cultures in Pakistan, I'd love to explain about the wedding cultures in Pakistan. Well, like what is seems Pakistani wedding is really beautiful. The bride and groom are very pretty and handsome. They use a luxury gown to celebrate their wedding, and it's usually much more expensive rather than private party's gown. In the Pakistani wedding, they serve many kind of foods for the people who come to the celebration.Well, if we are talking about the cost they spend for a wedding celebration, its really expensive tbh. They made a very well celebration. And, what's special in Pakistani wedding is...tadaaa DANCE! Of course you guys know about Bollywood cultures to dance. I really love it when they dance in the wedding! <3 hum, and one favourite wedding song during my visit in Pakistan is.. Mehndi Laga Ke Rakhna (instrumental ver.), there was also one song in the wedding also used as AIESEC Roll Dance, namely Tunak Tunak. Try listening to them! It should be pictures of Pakistani wedding, let me search.
Not exactly a Pakistani wedding, but EPs in the Pakistani wedding, source : I guess I took it from Asfand's
Frankly, I want to explain about Building in Pakistan but I couldn't !@#%$#^%&*& then I decide to explain about the Point of Interests (POIs) in Lahore. In the previous post I mentioned about Old Lahore and Badshahi Mosque. Well basically, Badshahi Mosque is in the Old Lahore area. Old Lahore is consisting of Badshahi Mosque, Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore Fort...and..what else guys? Lol I'm a bit forgot. There are few rooftop restaurants near the Badshahi Mosque, with cozy place (forgot the range price really), with Badshahi Mosque as the background. It really beautiful if you guys visit at night! Minar-e-Pakistan is the sign of the independence of Pakistan. Old Lahore I think is the best cultural places to visit in Lahore. They took me to Old Lahore for four times tho in my second week haha. You also could visit few mosques in Lahore like Wazir Khan Mosque, Tomb of Jahangir, or Lahore Museum. I really want to visit Hiran Minar tbh, the project manager promised me to take me there but yea. It's such a good place. I have attached the picture of Badshahi Mosque in my previous post, please check if you haven't read thank you xx
Do check my facebok album for the complete photos! That album is not open to everyone so please do add me on Facebook and send me a private message because I didn't accept people I don't know.

Lahore Fort, source :
In the middle of explaining about Pakistan, I might also should tell you one main problem Pakistan has. Electricity problem :( huhuhuhu the electricity problem in Pakistan was bad, really bad. It got no electricity almost every day. This thus, I always charged my phone whenever the electricity is on no matter I still got almost 100% battery. No electricity leads to no wifi, no internet connection. Unless you already got your simcard, it's a bit okay. You could use your internet data to browsing. Do prepare a power bank or something if you visit Pakistan.

Next, let's talk about Education in Pakistan. I would say that I hosted by AIESEC in the best of the best university in the whole country, called it "AIESEC in Lahore" but mainly took place in Lahore University of Management and Science (LUMS). Most of the AIESECers studying in LUMS. Asfand, Bismah, etcetc are studying in LUMS, my project manager isn't. Although it is called as University of Management and Science, meanwhile there's still a law faculty tho. (I asked because I am a law student:P). This thus, the AIESECers mostly study about Management, Accounting, or else in management scope ugh. Same like in Indonesia, there were also public and private school. But, different with Indonesia which people say that public school is better than private school, conversely in Pakistan, private school is way better than public school. Those the only information I got regarding education in Pakistan... Sorry, still incomplete.

Last but not least, I want to share about the people in Pakistan. They are very lovely and humble! No words can describe how much I thank God to meet people like them. They love me.. hem, unconditionally. I love them anyway by any reason. I'm speaking this pointed to all Pakistanis, which are all lovely.
EPs and Asfand's Family, source : Asfand's again I bet
I recommend you to visit this country! I recommend you personally. This will bring such a new experience for you as a traveller. Well, I have tried to seek for host family in Couchsurfing (as a real traveller), but only some people I think could be your host. But if you want to be a backpacker to Pakistan I guess it'll be possible! You shall at least have a native with you just in case you need anything. I hope this would change a bit your perspectives towards the country. No regrets coming there.

Published on October 10, 2016
When Yogyakarta is raining.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

First Post, Indeed About First "Solo Travelling" Journey

 Well, first thing first I have to say that this is not my very first blog. I made several blogs but I forgot the passwords. :)) Ah, anyway, I am planning to make this blog more readable, understandable, and long-lasting not like my previous blogs. This supposed to be published few months before, but finally I could write about my stories! First story should be the incredible one.

So, here it is! MY BITTERSWEET MEMORIES IN PAKISTAN! Is that supposed to be the title tho? I think not.
Like what other people's imagination, Pakistan is a hazardous country with bombing threats almost everywhere. Uhm. Is it true? Okay let's see the truth.

I went to Pakistan on January 2016, I spent my first (and probably last, If I'm "alone" :p) winter in Pakistan. I went to Pakistan alone, my very first solo travelling but that doesn't matter! It should be me flying with another Indonesian girl but because she was not really cooperative at the booking time, then I decided to go alone. I went from my original city, Yogyakarta and transit for 7 hours at night in Kuala Lumpur then flying to Lahore around 01:00am. Btw can't stop saying thank you so much to my parents, Kak Dewi, Reinaldo my former EP Manager, and some friends yang rela nggak tidur until they make sure I'm already boarding to Lahore. Xie xie nin! (lho kok jadi ngomong Chinese?) They were too anxious because of this solo travelling. But I can do it!
I lived in a city, not as big as the capital city, not as hot as the other city, but somehow it was "enough" to live there, called it Lahore.
Arrived at Allama Iqbal International Airport around 8:30am and picked up timely by mas bro Arsalan Nadeem, a Canadian who was also an important part of my exchange journey & Hannan Naeem another mas brewok yang muncul kadang-kadang doang setelah itu. Sorry, it has to be written in Bahasa. Hehe. FYI, Arsalan was my very first buddy during my exchange. He was always responsible of me, he really taken care of me and made sure I'm happy physically and mentally ;_; and what amaze me is that he has exactly the same playlist with me!!! Hahaha. But mmm, no Kpop Songs lol he was laughing because I told him I do like korean songs. Hmmmm. Frankly speaking, Canadian is always too friendly.

Emmm, if you go exchange through AIESEC you would gain at least an EP Manager to manage your exchange 'til the day you'll be back to your original country, eh no, until you have fulfilled all the documents needed (after exchange). You supposedly also get a Buddy in your destination country. Can't say which one is more responsible towards me during my exchange. But, Buddy also (somehow) responsible to help you in case you need something. They supposed to be your "friend". EP Manager usually in contacts with your EP Buddy. Some people say that "buddy itu cocok-cocokan pada akhirnya". well, ya bener sih. Thank God I got the best of the best EP Manager and Buddy. They both were cooperative to each other. Saking cooperativenya, sometimes Arsalan said that "do you want me to tell your mum?" padahal dia nggak punya kontak mama aku.  "Hmmm I have your ep manager's contact" "I can ask your ep manager :p" whenever I'm start ngeyel, nyebelin atau lagi sakit. Another important AIESECer during my exchange was Nabillah, she was the one who signed the agreement between LC UGM and LC Lahore so whatever happens to me I also told her. Thank you for being fast response, maaf banyak complaint :(

6 hours sat in an airplane was suck, could not deny that I always had a jet lag after flights.  Without any notification and consent before, those dudes took me to the famous mosque in the town and had breakfast together. Thank you for treating, you guys.

Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, Pakistan, source : personal gallery
I was the the second EP (Exchange Participant, AIESEC's common abbreviation) who came to Lahore. This thus, my project began few days after I'm arriving. Though I have to make an opening video in the Mosque. In my first-three-days I moved from one home to another home. Like,  really,  God. First night in Aaiza's home, which is more than comfortable after my long flights. Second one in Bismah's, very very comfortable because the people inside was quite lovely. Last but not least, I stayed in Asfand's for the rest of my exchange in Pakistan along with the rest of the EPs. First week was bad, it's hard to adapting in a new environment, new people, etcetc. But, never mind, let's skip this part. Move to my second week which was started to be amazing. The intern house already full with EPs, consisting of two Indonesian girls, one Burmese girl, and 10 Chinese. New international family. In my second week, I already visited Old Lahore for fourth times. Thanks guys, thanks, I really appreciated that (hahaha I'm still laughing remember this). Speaking of the circumstances, Lahore is safe. It's truly safe. One moment I felt unsafe was only when I'm at the arrival hall. Because everyone stares at me meanwhile I don't know the real person who's gonna be picked me up (I know it's Arsalan, but yeah).

The journey begins. We, EPs went to a Pakistani wedding along with the interns family (Asfand and family), we went to Old Lahore, we went out with AIESECer buddies. On my second week, we all only spent in inside Lahore. Our project manager promised us that we would go outside city though, but it hasn't happened yet 'til the second week. Asfand's family is very lovely, they literally take care of us until now. Whenever we EPs went to the mosques, Pakistanis usually ask the Chinese to take photo together. Meanwhile, I was not. Guess what? Because my face's almost similar with them, they thought that I am a local people, said AIESECers and EPs. -_-
On my third week, we all couldn't wait again for outside city trips. But again, it hasn't happened again. This supposed to be the time for us to go to Murree. Our project manager was quite busy with the Election Board in AIESEC in Lahore. Hence, May (a Burmese girl) asked us whether we want to go to Multan with her or not, it was outside the project's plan. Then, May asked the project manager whether he will take the responsibility or not. He said "no" by giving us such like agreement. We were all disagree though, we kept going to Multan. As the additional information, May was only going to Islamabad, she already in Pakistan since two weeks before me. So she'll be leaving two days after Multan trip. We went to Multan with so many obstacles, both from the project manager or about the procedure to book the tickets, etc. We lend Arsalan's name bytheway to book the tickets, foreigners couldn't book the tickets again, it's limited if I am not mistaken. And I was very indecisive to come or not, since at that time I don't have Rupees in hand anymore. It supposed to be Arsalan took me to the money changer, but we went home too late thus its already closed. Fortunately, that kind--Asfand let me exchange my Dollars to Rupees.

From Lahore to Multan, it took 4 hours if I remember correctly by bus. In Multan, AIESECers in Multan hosted us, they even picked us up at the bus station. We spent a great time till the night we gotta leaving. They are all still keep in touch with me yay. We went back to Lahore at dawn the next day, our project manager was very angry with the EPs who went to Multan. But ugh, who the hell cares? I wanted an outside city trip. We found out that he was very angry, this thus impact to May which was deleted from the WhatsApp group. OMG. After we went back to Lahore, our project manger was not visited us again even appeared, till the day May leaving.
Then, he suddenly appeared at night when we all have dinner. 5 minutes standing in front of the dinner table, said that he will take us (finally) to Murree and Islamabad, then gone. He come along with mas bro Arsalan, which we EPs before it, has made a plan to take us to whatever mall because we were bored. I was sick at that time. No voice literally. I am sure it was because I ate much fast food. My tongue could not deal with some Pakistani meals. Thus, whenever we went outside we bought something fast food like KFC. But don't worry, I could complain to the project manager about it though WQWQ. Since I was sick, and the Murree trip will be on the next two days. Thus, Arsalan asked me to keep staying at home because "I'm sick" :(

The day finally comes. Our project manager took us to Murree and Islamabad in the morning, and again, he was late. Thank God I'm using my hijab only few minutes before he's coming. We went to Murree, only with two AIESECers, our project manager and Harris. I was still sick. So I didn't say much during the trip. Firstly, we went to Islamabad. From Lahore to Islamabad it was a long trip, 7 hours by bus. We visited the biggest mosque, called as Faisal Mosque. Mosque again  but I like it. Do come visit when you're visiting Pakistan!
Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan
Still in the same day, we had dinner at Monal Restaurant which was way too expensive. Dear bros, why supposed to be expensive meals when we could buy cheaper one??? I cursed my project manager for that. After having dinner, we went to the Murree. From Islamabad to Muree it took another 3 hours by bus. The place with snows in Pakistan. Pakistani said if they were not going to Murree, they would not experiencing snows. It was my first snow lho. Since we were arriving at Murree at dawn, and I didn't have cash. Thus, I rejected when they all asked me to went out to Murree Shopping Road. No money, darlings. We were all broke, but they still went outside. I decided to staying near the heater, actually. For additional information, I argued again with the project manager and I could not hold my wrath. I told Arsalan every single thing, he was the person I talked to whatever happens to me during my exchange. Even unecessary things and my stupid jokes because I was bored. Poor you, sorry not sorry but I liked it :)) I told him every single thing was not because he is my buddy, but I think because we have some similarities(?!) for some reason halah.
it seems that he was tired or else at that night, he didn't response my messages very well.
The next day, oops, I mean in the morning, we finally visited the Ayubia, main destination.  I was still angry with the project yeah so yeah yeah I talked most to Harris. I was quite disappointed with the project manager, in the afternoon the project manager asked me what did I say to Arsalan last night. I didn't reply, but he said that he begged to him for not doing that again to me. It seems that he didn't care last night though, but he begged to that guy. Bro :))))) For Islamabad and Murree trip only took two days. I think that I'm gonna spend some nights if I come visit Islamabad again.

I really forgot where to put this part since I don't really remember the exact time, but my Buddy was suddenly changed into Fahad--the pilot who doesn't want to be called as "Pilot" so I called him "student pilot"--. But it only applies for few days before my departure time back to Indonesia. Arsalan was no longer my buddy. We had a great time only with EPs, Arsalan, Fahad, and Asfand. (no project manager right there).

I left from Pakistan few days after Murree trip. The project manager and Harris dropped me off at the airport. Sadly, Arsalan didn't come at all.
I think this was the biggest trip I had when in Pakistan, there were a lot of little things. A lot of little trips, in which I also very loved it. But I couldn't write it all in here. Few memories already forgotten, I could not remember every single thing happened again like the first two months I came back from Pakistan. But I hope by making this article, when I start forgetting them I could re-read and memorize some part of it. For your references, these were the newest Bollywood thingy when I was in Pakistan.
Film : Dilwale
Song : Dilwale's soundtrack, Paani Wala Dance, Tunak Tunak, Subha Hone Na De, Choomantar, Wafa Ne Bewafai, Muqabala Muqabala
That's why whenever I'm sad I am listening to these songs again to memorise my experiences in Pakistan.

I explained my experiences are really too straightforward. I might gonna say sorry, but some of wrath and disappointment I really could not hold since in my first or second paragraph. Sorry not sorry to the related parties. I am saying truthfully. For the conclusion, I believe that Pakistan is safe. The people are more than lovely. I love them by all my heart. After all If you want to explore this country Pakistan, I might recommend you to visit Lahore rather than other cities. Trust me, it's "enough" neither less nor more.

P.s : I don't want to mention the project manager's name. Never again.

October 1, 2016
Ratih Andani
Written in the middle of studying International Organisation Law